Lost Archives Cafe

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Donald's Surgery

Donald went through his leg amputation today. It was necessary, yet it begs the question. Can you feel someone's pain?  I am of the firm belief that you cannot.  I can feel my own pain, I can sympathize with what you are going through. I can imagine myself going through the pain, some call that empathy. But I cannot feel the pain that you are feeling when you are feeling it. Bill Clinton famously once said "I feel your pain" at a debate for president.  This isn't a political debate, yet the point is Bill Clinton can't feel my pain, and I can't feel Donald's pain.  I know what it feels like to have a wisdom tooth pulled. I've had muscle spasms in my back and shoulder. I know how painful they are. Yet I've never had a leg amputated. I've never even had a broken bone.

   As Donald's owner, I have a job to do. Here is a list of projects.
     1. Raise the head of my bed a few inches so that Donald can scoot under it with an Elizabethan collar.
      2. Remove cleaning supplies from under the bathroom sink and place a second set of food and water bowls in the bathroom near the litter box for easy access.

     Donald pulled through his surgery today. I called for an update and the tech said he was awake, moving around a little, and resting. These are all things that he did before the surgery. I can only deduce from this information that he is okay. I have asked for a biopsy and it was sent off via Fedex today after the surgery. From Donald's point of view, I hope he's glad that nasty ole' leg is gone.  No more pain. He can come out from under the bed more often.  I'm sure he'll let me know what he thinks about the whole thing when he gets home from the hospital in a few days..

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