Of course the version I heard on the radio was the Cedric Gervais remix. However, if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have discovered the original that was released last year (2012). The original video looks like it was shot in grainy 8mm format which lends it a retro look.
I'm not a hipster and I don't pretend to be one. I'm not saying that, Hey she's cool now because I like her music. What I'm saying is that, I'm in love. I want to know who the blonde in the video is. Is it her lover, her sister, her best friend? This song makes me think and that's what I love about it.
I thought to myself, my God, it's summertime and I'm sad. Actually it was more of a late summer sense of regret. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to get everything done that I wanted to do. Yes, I went to the beach, but only once. Not every weekend like I had intended.
Try not to take anything for granted. Don't blow off that Memorial Day family reunion, or Fourth Of July picnic, or Labor Day get together. You may get a phone call in the fall that a loved one or friend who was there has passed, and that was your last chance to see them. That you will have to live with for the rest of your life. Is it really so difficult to make time to eat a hamburger, or hot dog with your friends and go to work a little bit later?
Carpe diem.